Is God leading us to form a network?
We believe God’s heart is for Leicester and that he desires to reach every person in our city and county with the Good News about Jesus Christ and for his transforming kingdom to come. God is calling us to a particular focus on the young, intercultural mission, and the poor. God is calling people and churches to play their part in this bigger purpose. His method for reaching regions has always been through disciple-making networks of worshiping communities with a missional vision for a region. We believe God is calling us and others to play our part by fostering a relational network where new worshiping communities are started and existing churches/communities are strengthened and renewed.
As we work out our calling as Resourcing Church and seek to work with the grain of the Minster Community formation process, we want to explore with churches with whom we share a relationship and missional ethos whether the Holy Spirit is calling us to be part of such a relational network. This brochure summarises our vision for this network. It describes how we envisage working with the grain of the Minster Community process.
You can use the link below to download the network brochure we have produced to explain more.​
Network BBQ - Wednesday 21st August 2024 7pm
As we continue to explore together what a network could look like we want to invite members of your PCCs, staff & key-leaders to a BBQ in August. Signing up is essential so we can cater. You can find out more and sign-up below.
Everybody Conference - Saturday 12th October 10am
Taking place on Saturday 12th October at St Johns Clarendon Park, the Everybody conference is dedicated to empowering Christians to be active agents of the kingdom in their everyday life. You can find out more and sign-up below.