Full of life
- Chris Beaumont
- May 8, 2019
- 2 min read
There has been a sense of Holy Spirit inspired life and energy about St John’s as we start this new term which makes me excited – here are some thoughts about this Sunday just gone and news of what’s ahead…
… I am very sad to say that Margaret Green died last week. Margaret has been a member of the church family for the last 50 years and was known and loved by many of us. She died after a long period of being housebound following a stroke. Her funeral will be taken by Sheila and will be on Tuesday 21 May at 1.30 pm.
Please pray for Margaret’s friends and family.
Church felt full on Sunday – there have been 30 or more people at the 9 am over the last few weeks enjoying the peace, presence and reflection that is the nature of that service.
The 10.30 also was full of life and people! I loved meeting some of our church family as we interviewed Ngozika, Louis and Gill on stage. In both services we considered the what’s and why’s of worship – why do we gather on a Sunday and what do we do when we get here – we made the point that the primary reason for gathering is to encounter God – what level of faith and expectation do you come to church with that you will meet Jesus in a way that will impact and change you?
Do you know that we record our talks?
Click the link below to listen to the talk from The 1030.
Link: www.sjbchurch.uk/media
Nearly 40 people came to Presence on Sunday evening – have you tried it yet?
Presence is our new monthly evening service – the next one is 6 pm Sunday 2 June – it’s a time of beautiful acoustic sung worship with an emphasis on encountering God’s presence followed by a life impacting talk and time to pray with and for one another.
It connects especially well with young people and young adults but is suitable for you whatever your age!
This week Josh Young led the service and Mary Cherny gave a great talk on
‘Being different’ and Dan and Grace McSharry led the amazing and beautiful sung worship.
Come along and invite your friends.
Click here for a video and more details about Presence.
If you want to listen to the talk 'Being different' click here
I was very sad to miss the Bradgate Park picnic on Bank Holiday Monday – my thanks to Anne Dooley for organising it – lots of people went and there was a real family feel.
This coming Sunday I am really excited that we will be welcoming Andrew Marshall to The 10.30 – Andrew is the former head teacher of St John’s school and is an excellent communicator. He will be speaking on ‘Claiming your identity’ – not to be missed!