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Chris Beaumont


I loved St John the Baptist Day – and talking to others I got the impression

I wasn’t the only one.

It felt like community and extended family, and more than that, it felt like the family of God on mission as we held the outside service and welcomed so many visitors and people who wouldn’t normally come to church and it felt like lifting the name of Jesus high in our community. It was wonderful to have fun, spend time talking to people, building relationships, connecting with new people and basking in the sun.

We welcomed so many visitors and people who wouldn’t normally come to church.

A huge thank you to everyone who helped set up, set down, man the rota for the inflatables, serve drinks, provide desserts, organise/play music, organise games, run the service, paint faces, organise crafts, manage sound, and so many other things.

It was a particular highlight to see Will Renner, John Coffee and Liam McCarthy dressed up as Jesus and Josh Young as John the Baptist.

Thanks too to the Amazing Grace Choir and St Phillips centre joke spot!

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